The Purpose Behind the Vision

Kae Butta Brand was established in my kitchen in Kansas City in 2017. The inspiration came while reading the back of commercial brand products when cleaning out my father's home shortly after his passing. "Half of the ingredients I couldn't even pronounce". I knew for a fact that the hazardous ingredients listed had negative or adverse affects on ones overall health. Making me more conscientious of the ingredients used in products specifically for our community, I knew there were more healthier alternatives.

My dad would always tell me to always have a product to support to the service, all of a sudden it hit me like lightening! First I began substituting and mixing my usual products with natural ingredients. Seeing the benefits it had on myself and my clients, I jumped in head first. 

Kae Butta Brand was born. We need products made for us by us, major brands just want to partake in the spending power of our people. You can never go wrong with nature for it was what the Divine Source Intended. My products have undergone research and testing for over seven years. I've taken the highs with the lows to fuel my passion, I am very intentional with ever aspect of this brand. Ensuring that my products be specially formulated to treat problematic hair & skin conditions commonly seen amongst people of color.

My ability to create Quality Handmade 100% Pure & All natural products was surely fashioned by the Creator, I love creating with nature and I love knowing that I am contributing to healthier living. Without a doubt, one day Kae Butta Brand will be a pillar in the homes of my people across the globe, and every time its needed you'll hear someone say "Put some Kae Butta On it"!

Kae Butta is in the business of creating "Melanated Products for Melanted People". Thus our legacy will continue from generation to generations to come.